Come Worship With Us !

Come Worship With Us !
Calvary is a wonderful loving family and we love to Worship the Lord !

Monday, August 13, 2012

Come Out of Your Shell Retreat 2012

It is almost time for our retreat. It is hard to believe this year has flown by so quickly. This year our retreat will take place October26-28. It will be held at The Lutheran Retreat Center on Isle of Palms. We loved that facility last year and even though our beloved Herb has retired, I am in hopes that the new director will be just as wonderful.
Space is limited so get your deposit in to hold your spot. We will be looking at ways to enlarge our lives and open ourselves up to more of Jesus. 
You will find a flyer in your box at church with details and you should have received an email from the church . If you did not get the email... please contact Kathy Martore at the church office and  give her your email address. The church number is 8437663113.
Hope you are all having a wonderful summer. Our next regular meeting is the 4th sunday in August. Bring a goodie to share and come fellowship with us. 
Call me with questions or if you want more information about JOY FELLOWSHIP or the retreat.

Opportunities for Worship, Praise, Fellowship and Learning

  • on 5th sundays ..praise service at calvary at 6:30
  • Joy Fellowship for Women ...fourth Sunday of each month 5:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday Service 6:30 p.m.
  • Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m.
  • Sunday School 8:45 a.m.

Summer Coming to a Close

Wow ! Summer at the end now ... went by so fast. Hope you enjoyed the July craft fair with us. Thank you to Terry Saunders for all the hard work in planning and executing the craft fair. We were able to make about 1600.00 in 4 hours giving us 160.00 to give to Ronald Mcdonald. Thank you all for coming out to support the effort. We had such beautiful things there !We hope to make this an annual event so start now getting you crafts ready for next year!

August meeting will be on the 28th at 5:30. Bring a dish to share and bring a friend. Bonnie Brunson will be bringing the teaching that night. We will provide beverages and give you information on our upcoming retreat November 4-6.

Be on the lookout for your special 10.00 gift for the Christmas party gift exchange. Make it something really beautiful and special so the chinese auction will be fun !

Cannot believe the year is wrapping up ! It has been wonderful getting to know you all so much better. Thank you for supporting JOY Fellowship !

Visitor Counter

About the children...

Hopefully , all of you with children know that we all love children and have no ill intent when we say , no kids at this event. The women's ministry has a goal of allowing the ladies of the church to come together for a time of fellowship and it is a time when all moms need to spend that time with other women and not have the cares of their children for those few hours each month. If your child is 5yrs or older they may enjoy the youth groups that meet during the same time as JOY... Those 5- 6th grade can attend.."Kids for Christ" and those 6th - 12th grade can join our youth group. If your child is younger than 5 a sitter, engage a dad or call me if it is a problem and we will see about a sitter when possible. For those who do not have children and those who do, leaving the children to play elsewhere makes for a real opportunity for everyone to pray together, socialize and get to know each other. Thank you for understanding.